so the other day we had a white elephant gift exchange at work. i had no idea what to get when it hit me. a custom one of a kind dzingeek toilet seat.
headed to the old home depot for a $5 seat threw some cartoons and shit on there and ta-da! it was a big hit at the office party, there was just one thing. not sure how i feel about someone popping a squat on my art...
i've finally gotten off my ass and put some art up for sale. check out my shop on
etsy. i will keep adding things as i get them done.
enjoy, and buy some shit!
Just a few things i sketched up recently.
Thinking of maybe turning the veggies into color/vector and slapped them bitches on a canvas tote.
Just got pics back from
@theBAYsics of the custom balltops I did for him. He made the tops and I did the illustrations, and then he finished them up with a couple clear coats. I must say, they look pretty sweet.
they are finally here. my very own mini moo cards! it only took a week, once my design was done (that took much longer). and they are awesome!
oh he is just a simple minded little creature. with nothing on his mind except for which direction he should go.
it all started with a little sketch and then began the vector fun.
After sitting in the same room for almost 2 hours of nothing but meetings, it gives me a little time to relax and doodle.
The first one is just your typical weindeer. and the second...well, the second is how the meeting was going.
so this has been my first attempt at customizing a DIY munny. i started out spray painting the little dude down with some montana gold, but for whatever reason the paint kept bubbling up. so i mixed some acrylic paint to match and brushed it on. then came the posca paint these things. I'm not quite done yet, i still need to clear him, but hoping to do that soon. and then off to easy...i hope.
stay posted. i'll let ya all know when he is up on etsy. i might even have more like him in the future...hint hint.
So this is a little project I've been working on for my new friend
@theBAYsics. He asked me to do what I do on these joystick ball tops that he makes.
I first stared with ping pong balls to comp out a few designs (and see if I could draw on a small round object.). After many ping pong balls I decided it was time for the real thing.
The first one is pink in color so I just went simple with this and used my black posca paint makers. Then came the clear one. This one was a bit more difficult. I started with black but wanted it to pop more. So I added a little red for some color and detail. All and all I think they turned out pretty good...for my first time.
The monster mash is ready to go for a ride.
And a big thanks to
Amanda Schultz for the use of her photo.
just testing out a little two color sharpie goodness.
having a little more fun with vectors.
this the other day and it inspired me to turn a few of my little monster doodles into vector magic.
So here are just a few pages from my sketchbook for the
2012 sketchbook project.
I only have 5 days till it needs to be in the mail. So it's time for me to start sketching my ass off.